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臺灣一直是以中小企業佔企業的大多數,而在眾多企業當中,結至2022年家族企業又占了約54%,約莫占了將近一半的數量。在這些家族企業中,隨著時間的流逝,或多或少都面臨著企業第一代要傳承給企業第二代的狀況,然而許多的企業第一代在商場上可說是叱吒風雲的一方,但提到要進行傳承卻不知該如何進行,混亂的狀況常常導致企業二代對於企業的傳承沒有興趣與動力。在另一面向,企業數位化一直是政府致力於推廣的項目之一,然而在2019年全球爆發了COVID-19疫情,因為這疫情才讓許多企業開始正視所謂的企業數位化並且開始著手於企業數位化的推動,但由於各企業開始時間不同,每間企業的數位化程度也是有所不同。 綜合以上兩點,本研究設計了一套訪談內容,此訪談主要對象為家族企業第二代,討論這些家族企業在不同數位化程度上對於傳承會有甚麼樣的影響,最後將這些訪談內容資料進行整理並依照數位化程度進行分組,討論不同數位化程度的家族企業在傳承上會有甚麼樣的表現。在經過實際訪談並將資料整理互相比對後,本研究發現高度數位化的家族企業,由於有著數位化的輔助,在傳承過程中家族企業第二代可以更容易的上手與熟悉企業的狀態,同樣的,由於資料都已經數位化,企業二代在尋求協助時也都更為便利資料也都很齊全,而中度數位化的家族企業中由於該家族企業尚未完全將數位化導入,家族企業第二代實際參與數位化的程度較高,在傳承過程中需包含著數位系統建置,也可謂為是一種傳承,然而在數位化程度較低的家族企業中,其家族企業第二代就較為辛苦,由於沒有數位的協助,許多事情時常事倍功半,整個傳承過程可以說是非常艱難。 經由這些實際訪談企業二代的資料,本研究整理出了企業數位化程度高、企業數位化程度中以及企業數位化程度低的家族企業在本研究所設計的訪談類別中所符合的項目,最終整理出企業數位化對於傳承可能造成的影響,研究結果可供家族企業的第一代與第二代做為參考資料,可以避免企業在不同數位化程度上期傳承所造成的影響。
Taiwan has long been characterized by a predominance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with family businesses accounting for approximately 54% of these enterprises as of 2022, representing nearly half of the total. Within these family enterprises, the transition from the first to the second generation is a common occurrence over time. However, many first-generation entrepreneurs, despite their prominence in the business arena, often struggle with succession planning, leading to a lack of interest and motivation among second-generation members to continue the family legacy.On another front, enterprise digitalization has been a key initiative promoted by the government. However, the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 forced many enterprises to reevaluate the importance of digitalization and embark on digital transformation initiatives. Nonetheless, due to variations in the timing of adoption, the degree of digitalization varies across enterprises. Combining these factors, this study designs a series of interviews targeting second-generation members of family businesses to explore the impact of digitalization on succession across different levels of digital maturity. The data collected from these interviews will be organized and grouped according to the level of digitalization to examine the performance of family enterprises in succession planning under varying degrees of digitalization.Through practical interviews and data analysis, this study finds that highly digitized family enterprises benefit from easier succession transitions with digital assistance, leading to stronger identification with the business among second-generation members. Additionally, the availability of digitalized data facilitates easier access to information and support. In moderately digitized family enterprises, second-generation members are more involved in the digitalization process, making the implementation of digital systems a part of the succession process. However, in family enterprises with lower levels of digitalization, second-generation members face significant challenges, as the lack of digital support often results in inefficient and difficult succession processes.Based on the data gathered from these interviews, this study identifies categories aligning with high, moderate, and low levels of enterprise digitalization, ultimately outlining the potential impact of digitalization on succession. These research findings serve as valuable reference material for both first and second-generation members of family enterprises, helping them navigate the effects of succession planning across different levels of digitalization.



家族企業, 數位化, 傳承, family business, digitalization, succession planning





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