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本研究採用質性研究方法,以北部國立台灣大學國際學位生及國際事務處行政人員為對研究對象,經由立意取樣,選取六位研究參與者(四位學生、兩位行政人員),透過深度訪談,了解其成功轉換之歷程與影響之因素。資料分析以開放編碼(open coding)、主軸編碼(axial coding),發展核心主題,並以參與者檢核(member check)、同儕審視(peer debriefing)、厚實描寫(thick description)、三角檢證(Triangulation)、與研究者建立關係及研究者反思,
This study is to understand the transiting process of international students faced with different campus environment and switching process of the Trans-Culture adaptation while studying in Taiwan, and to discuss the factor that made their transition success, the questions include: (1) What is the motivation and process of international students come to study in Taiwan? (2) What is the transiting process of international students faced with different campus environment while studying in Taiwan? (3) What influence factors make international student succeed in transition? The study came with Qualitative Research Method and there are four international students from National Taiwan University and two faculties from its international administrative department as objects of study, by way of purposive sampling, through penetrative depth interview, to understand factors and process of their successful transition. the analysis will starts with open coding、axial coding,to develop the core subject, then establish relations with study objects and make them reconsider of themselves by member check、peer debriefing、thick description、Triangulation to strengthen the credibility of this study. Furthermore, the consequence could be a useful data for other educators during future policy planning. The founding of the study as follows:1. Scholarship motivates international students to study in Taiwan. 2.The transiting process including:「to explore the unknown country with dreams and ambitions」、「the difference of 『I』is the obstacle of studies」、「overcome the difficulty,make some changes of oneself」、「make dreams come true,I can see my future in Taiwan」. 3.The influence factor is「the power that helps me become mature」. There are two aspects of suggestions from the study, the first one is that the plan and policy from National Taiwan University can be used as reference for other universities;The second aspect is direct suggestions to National Taiwan University. As following:1.the plan and policy from National Taiwan University:complete peer-assisting system、multiple dorm learning policy、rich counseling resources, implementing international student newborn direction detection, developing characteristic and representative international student organizations, understanding the role and position of the administration organization. 2.suggestions to national Taiwan University:(1) to international student:enhances Chinese study and communication; Makes good use of the campus resources; Opens-minded , shares experience; Participates in clubs positively;(2) to Taiwan student: Encourages to show loving and caring for the international student; get rid of language barrier, interacts with the international student; learn and enrich international knowledge; (3) suggestion to further study: Expands the scope of study object; Increases multiple techniques in study.
This study is to understand the transiting process of international students faced with different campus environment and switching process of the Trans-Culture adaptation while studying in Taiwan, and to discuss the factor that made their transition success, the questions include: (1) What is the motivation and process of international students come to study in Taiwan? (2) What is the transiting process of international students faced with different campus environment while studying in Taiwan? (3) What influence factors make international student succeed in transition? The study came with Qualitative Research Method and there are four international students from National Taiwan University and two faculties from its international administrative department as objects of study, by way of purposive sampling, through penetrative depth interview, to understand factors and process of their successful transition. the analysis will starts with open coding、axial coding,to develop the core subject, then establish relations with study objects and make them reconsider of themselves by member check、peer debriefing、thick description、Triangulation to strengthen the credibility of this study. Furthermore, the consequence could be a useful data for other educators during future policy planning. The founding of the study as follows:1. Scholarship motivates international students to study in Taiwan. 2.The transiting process including:「to explore the unknown country with dreams and ambitions」、「the difference of 『I』is the obstacle of studies」、「overcome the difficulty,make some changes of oneself」、「make dreams come true,I can see my future in Taiwan」. 3.The influence factor is「the power that helps me become mature」. There are two aspects of suggestions from the study, the first one is that the plan and policy from National Taiwan University can be used as reference for other universities;The second aspect is direct suggestions to National Taiwan University. As following:1.the plan and policy from National Taiwan University:complete peer-assisting system、multiple dorm learning policy、rich counseling resources, implementing international student newborn direction detection, developing characteristic and representative international student organizations, understanding the role and position of the administration organization. 2.suggestions to national Taiwan University:(1) to international student:enhances Chinese study and communication; Makes good use of the campus resources; Opens-minded , shares experience; Participates in clubs positively;(2) to Taiwan student: Encourages to show loving and caring for the international student; get rid of language barrier, interacts with the international student; learn and enrich international knowledge; (3) suggestion to further study: Expands the scope of study object; Increases multiple techniques in study.
國際學生, 校園環境, 校園經驗, 跨文化適應, 文化衝擊, 成功轉換, international student, campus environment, campus experience, Trans-Culture adaptation, cultural impact, successful transition