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本國銀行業因面臨主管機管高度監理、嚴謹金融法規、繁瑣作業流程,所需的資訊、人力成本非常之高。這幾年台灣金融業受到內外部環境衝擊,銀行利差日趨縮小,除現行同業之間的削價競爭,還有受疫情影響,發展數位金融更是刻不容緩。布雷特 ‧ 金恩 (Brett King)發表《Bank 3.0 -銀行轉型未來式》(2013)一書,當時國內銀行業掀起一陣未來實體分行將會消失的聲音,也造成各家銀行開始推動數位轉型的風潮。從近六年來國內金融機構及分支機構家數並未大幅減少,惟減少原因多為銀行合併營業據點相近而裁撤,傳統實體分行雖不至於立即消失,但面對新型態數位銀行的新局勢,不論是產品、系統、服務、人員都須跟著改變。金融監督管理委員會(以下稱金管會)在2019年也核准了三家國內純網銀的設立,並積極建置金融科技基礎建設及發展藍圖,期望傳統銀行都能逐步發展數位化轉型。本研究透過個案公司內部線上線下數據分析及內部訪談進行研究,瞭解目前的數位金融發展上主要偏向內部流程優化及輔助提升業務能力,雖有訂定新興科技應用發展計畫,以內部優化、對外助攻,來強化該行新金融科技應用。然而,數位發展絕不僅是只有數位優化,因此建議個案可再針對內部的六大項目,作業流程簡化及集中化、服務行動化、數位通路多元化、作業流程自動化、作業無紙化、員工心態調整作為強化數位發展的方向。另從個案研究背景發現Y銀行多以購併模式增大公司資產規模,銀行業最終的業務發展不能只靠合併,就像數位發展不能只有成立一個專案部門。本研究也整理訪談結果,建議個案就數位發展可透過四大面向來進行調整,分別為組織架構定義明確、系統及人員專業度提升、數位發展範疇、數位人才培訓強化內部數位發展。近期金融業也因員工不當挪用客戶款項的舞弊情事成出不窮出,主管機關高度監理機制而使得在業務開發或數位轉型速度受到影響。傳統銀行未來應思考運用大數據、人工智慧(AI)邁向數位轉型,同時建立業務管控、法遵監理、內控監理等機制,逐步踏上智能數位轉型之路。
Taiwan’s banking industry is faced with high levels of supervision by the authority, strict financial regulations, and cumbersome operating procedures, resulting in high information and labor costs. In recent years, drastic changes in internal and external environments have led to shirking interest margins. Price war and fierce competition, as well as the Covid-19 pandemic, have made developing financial technology more essential than ever before.Brett King’s "Bank 3.0-Bank Transformation Futuristic" (2013) raised concerns over complete disappearance of physical branches in the foreseeable future and led to vigorous digital transformation pushed forward by traditional banks. However, the number of financial institutions and domestic branches, other than mergers, has not declined significantly. Although physical branches will not disappear imminently, facing competition from emerging digital banks, upgrades in products, systems, services, and personnel in traditional banks have become pressing issues. The Financial Supervision and Administration Commission (FSC) approved the establishment of three domestic internet-only banks in 2019 and have been actively building financial technology infrastructure in Taiwan, in hope to push forward the digital transformation of the banking industry.This research is conducted through the analysis of the internal online and offline data and interviews with personnel from the case company. The results show that the current development of digital finance primarily focuses on the optimization of internal process and enhancement of business capacities, despite a development plan for applying new technology, internal optimization and external assistance are used to strengthen the bank's new financial technology application. Nonetheless, digital development is by no means equivalent to digital optimization. We propose targeting six internal projects, including the simplification and centralization of operating procedures, mobilization of services, diversification of digital channels, automation of operating procedures, paperless operations, and calibration of employee mentality. In another case study, it is found that Bank Y mostly engages in mergers and acquisitions to increase the scale of its corporate assets. However, business development in the banking industry cannot rely on mergers alone, as digital development cannot merely rely on the establishment of a project department.In response to the findings of this study, we suggest adjustments to be made in four major aspects of digital development, namely, a clear definition of the organizational structure, the improvement of systems and personnel professionalism, the scope of digital development, and the training of digital talents to strengthen internal digital development.Recently, cases of fraudulent misappropriation of customer funds by employees in the banking sector caused high level of supervision by the authority, which has indirectly led to a deceleration of digital transformation. In the future, traditional banks should consider the utilization of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to move towards digital transformation, as well as the establishment of mechanisms for business control, legal compliance supervision, and internal control supervision to gradually embark on the path of intelligent digital transformation.



金融科技, 純網銀, 數位發展, Financial Technology, Internet-only Bank, Digital Development





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