

本研究旨在探討臺北市高級中等學校教師參與決定模式與學校效能之現況,分析不同背景教師參與決定情形的差異,並探討教師參與決定與學校效能間的關係。 研究方法兼採文獻分析法與問卷調查法,依據研究目的、待答問題及文獻探討,編製「學校教師參與決定模式與學校校能研究調查問卷」。問卷調查以臺北市65所公私立高級中等學校校長、主任或組長及教師為研究對象,其中除校長為普查外,其餘研究對象採立意取樣方式,抽樣數共718位,回收有效樣本數564份,可用率為76.04%。 根據文獻分析以及問卷調查結果,綜合歸納以下結論: 一、教師參與決定模式係指教師參與學校事務決定的過程,其模式可分為告知 式、諮詢式、共決式及授權式等四種。 二、學校效能是學校的實際辦學成效。其指標包括行政管理績效、教師教學品 質、教師工作滿足感、學生學習表現及家長參與等五層面。 三、臺北市高級中等學校教師期望參與決定模式,係屬於參與度高的共決式。 四、臺北市高級中等學校教師實際參與決定模式,以參與度普通的諮詢式為 主。 五、臺北市高級中等學校教師期望參與決定程度高於實際參與決定程度。 六、臺北市高級中等學校學校效能為中等偏高程度,各層面的效能也在中等以 上程度,以教師教學品質最高,學生學習表現最低。 七、臺北市高級中等學校整體教師參與決定程度與學校效能間有中度正相關, 各層面間則呈現低度正相關。 八、公私立高級中等學校教師參與決定程度,不論整體或多數層面,均有顯著 差異;但其學校效能,不論整體或多數層面均無顯著差別。 九、不同性質的臺北市高級中等學校,其教師對教師參與決定與學校效能二方 面的認知大同小異。 十、不同職務別的臺北市高級中等學校教師,在教師參與決定與學校效能的認 知小同大異。 十一、不同服務年資的臺北市高級中等學校教師,在教師參與決定與學校效能 多數層面的認知大同小異。 最後根據文獻探討、研究發現與結論,分別對高級中等學校、教育行政機關以及後續研究等提出以下建議,以作為促進教師參與決定與學校效能之參考。 一、對高級中等學校的建議 (一)擴大教師參與學校事務決定的層面,提升學校效能。 (二)增加服務年資較淺教師參與決定校務的機會,提高教師工作士氣。 (三)提高學生學習興趣,加強學生學習表現。 (四)積極增進教師工作滿足感與家長參與度,以提升學校效能。 (五)私立高級中等學校應適度增加教師在各層面的參與決定程度。 (六)職業學校及綜合高中宜適度提高教師在課程與教學、人事及教師權益及 師專業發展等層面的參與決定程度。 (七)兼任行政工作的學校人員,應多與學校教師作溝通,以減少彼此認知上 的差距。 二、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)加強對私立高級中等學校的評鑑制度,以健全學校的發展。 (二)均衡高級中等學校資源之分配,以縮短各校發展條件之落差。 三、對後續研究的建議 提供相關研究之建議,以供後續研究者之參考。
The research is aimed at current Taipei city senior high school teachers’ modes of participative decision-making and school effectiveness, explores teachers’ background and its effect on participative decision-making, and also investigates the relationship between teachers’ participative decision-making and school effectiveness. The methods used were documentation analysis and questionnaires. The research purpose, questions to be answered, and documentation exploration were used to compile the “modes of teachers’ participative decision-making and school effectiveness questionnaire”. The objects of research were senior high school principles, deans, group leaders, and teachers in 65 public and private senior high schools in Taipei city. The questionnaires were sent to all senior high school principles. All other questionnaires were sent to administrators and educators by judgmental selection. The number of samples was 718, with 564 effective ones retrieved, so the usability rate was 76.04%. Based on documentation analysis and questionnaire results, the conclusions are as follows: 1.Modes of teachers’ participative decision-making are defined as the process for teachers to participate in decision-making of administrative matters. The modes can be categorized into notification mode, consultation mode, mutual decision-making mode, and authorization mode. 2.School effectiveness means the practical effect of running schools. Its index includes performance of administrative management, teachers’ teaching quality, teachers’ working satisfaction, students’ learning performance, and parents’ participation. 3.The mode of decision-making that senior high school teachers in Taipei city wish to participate in belongs to mutual decision-making with high level of participation. 4.The mode of decision-making that senior high school teachers in Taipei city practically participate in is mainly consultation mode with common level of participation. 5.The anticipation level of participative decision-making for senior high school teachers is higher than the level of actual practice. 6.The level of school effectiveness in senior high schools in Taipei city tends to be middle high. The effectiveness in other aspects is middle or above mid-level where teachers’ teaching quality is the highest, and students’ learning performance is the lowest. 7.Between the overall level of teachers’ participative decision-making and school effectiveness in Taipei senior high schools show there is a positive correlation that is above mid-level. Between other aspects shows low positive correlation. 8.The level of participative decision-making from public and private senior high school teachers, in overall or in the majority aspects, shows significant difference; however, the school effectiveness shows insignificant difference. 9.In different types of senior high schools in Taipei city, teachers’ conceptions of participative decision-making and school effectiveness show similarity. 10.Senior high school teachers in Taipei city with different positions have different conceptions of participative decision-making and school effectiveness. 11.Senior high school teachers in Taipei city with different years of experience have similar conceptions of participative decision-making and school effectiveness in the majority of aspects. In the end, suggestions, based on the exploration of documentation and research results, are made to senior high schools, educational administrative organizations and for follow-up research in order to increase teacher participation and school effectiveness. 1.Suggestions to senior high schools: (1)Expand the areas of teachers’ participative decision-making for promoting school effectiveness. (2)Increase the opportunity of participation in decision-making for teachers with less work experience for enhancing teachers’ working morale. (3)Arouse students’ learning interest to strengthen their learning performance. (4)Promote teachers’ working satisfaction and parents’ participation to enhance school effectiveness. (5)Private senior high schools should properly increase the level of teachers’ participative decision-making in every aspect. (6)Vocational schools and comprehensive high schools should properly increase the level of participative decision-making in the areas of teachers’ teaching, personnel, teachers’ rights, and teachers’ professional development. (7)Part-time administrative staffs in schools should frequently communicate with teachers to close the gap of different conceptions between them. 2.Suggestions to educational administrative organizations: (1)Strengthen the evaluation system of private senior high schools to enhance healthy school development. (2)Balance the distribution of resources among senior high schools to close the gap of development conditions between schools. 3.Suggestions to follow-up research: The suggestions of related research are provided for follow-up researchers’ reference.



參與決定, 學校效能, 高級中等學校, participative decision-making, school effectiveness, high school





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