
dc.contributorHsiao-Tieh Puen_US
dc.contributor.authorPin-Chun Linen_US
dc.description.abstract網路技術的發展,促進許多新興媒介的成長,其中以網誌(Blog)最受人矚目。網誌具有四零特性(零技術、零成本、零編輯、零形式),不論在學術或生活應用,都有相當大的影響力。就圖書資訊服務而言,也有不少呼籲,圖書館應重視此一趨勢,並應用於圖書資訊服務之中。而近年來,不少大學圖書館或館員已開始嘗試相關應用。除了圖書館利用網誌做為資訊服務的傳播與互動管道外,館員個人的使用及建置經驗其實更值得關心,畢竟館員的網誌素養會直接影響到機構網誌的品質。 本論文針對大學圖書館館員進行調查,瞭解其使用及建置網誌的經驗,以作為未來圖書館規劃網誌應用或瞭解館員社群特性的參考。本論文主要採用問卷調查法,針對台灣本島地區87所大學圖書館進行普查,共計成功寄發751份問卷、有效回收456份問卷;並輔以半結構式訪談法,受訪對象為問卷中最常被提及的4位網誌作者(即Blogger)。研究結果發現,大學圖書館員使用網誌的比例與頻率頗高,且以分享個人知識及記錄生活目的為主;「同儕或親朋好友間的交流」與「搜尋引擎」為得知網誌資源的重要管道;最常使用「知識型網誌」,且最常閱讀「圖書資訊學」主題;相較其他網路媒體如BBS、個人網頁等,大學圖書館員閱讀網誌的深度偏向「詳細閱讀」;在閱讀或瀏覽網誌時,相當關心「網誌內容的更新頻率」、「可信度/可靠度」、及「著作權問題」;就有效問卷中,近六成有網誌建置經驗,比例頗高;就建置類型,則以「日記型網誌」最多、「知識型網誌」居次;就建置的網誌內容,主要提供「閱讀隨筆心得」、「工作學習心得」、及「書寫翻譯文章」;而建置目的,則最希望獲得「與同業間交流分享資訊」的機會;就建置過程,主要遭遇之困難包括「網誌內容品質的維護」、「平台的選擇與轉移」、「網誌內容備份」及「模板設計」等,而解決之道則多以「自行摸索,再詢問有經驗的人」為主;大學圖書館員普遍認同網誌對個人學習及知識分享具有正面影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid development of the Internet Technology, a great variety of means of communication has emerged, especially Blogs. The Four Zero characteristics (zero technology, zero cost, zero edition, zero format) of the Blogs are widely used and applied in the educational and social environments, and have a great acknowledged impact among the society. The trend of using the Blogs has been emphasized in the domain of the Library and Information Science and is called for the implementation in the application of its services. In the recent years, more and more personnel of the Academic Librarian have been trying to apply the Blogs into their services offered. However, the establishment experiences and the personal usage of the Blogs are even more important, as the accomplishment of the Academic Librarian’s Blog might influence the quality of the institute’s Blog. This study focuses on the usage and establishment experiences of the Blog from Academic Librarians, so as to build up a reference for either future library Blog application or the characteristics of Academic Librarians’ community. Questionnaires are mainly used in this study, covering 87 universities in Taiwan. 456 out of 751 samples are successfully received. Besides, semi-structured interviews are used to obtain a more complete study toward this issue where the 4 mostly mentioned bloggers are interviewed. Results show that the Blogs are widely used among the personnel of the Academic Librarian, chiefly to share personal knowledge and life. The Academic Librarian gets to know the source of the Blogs through 「Friends& relatives」or「Searching engines」. The knowledge-type Blogs are mostly used; Topics concerning Library and Information Science are most popular among Academic Librarians. Compared to other means of internet communication, such as BBS or personal websites, the Academic Librarian tend to read into details when reading Blogs, and pay much attention to the frequency of the update as well as its reliability and the copy rights. 60 percent of the respondents are experienced in the build up of Blogs,most of which are Diary-type Blogs , followed by Knowledge-type Blogs. As for the content, the main information provided in the Academic Librarian personal Blogs is primarily about sharing「after-reading thoughts」、「working and learning experiences」and 「article translations」. Then regarding the aim of the Blogs, information exchange between business partners is mostly expected. Concerning the difficulties encountered during the build up of the Academic Librarian personal Blogs are「time and effort spent for the maintenance of Blogs」、「platform selection and transfer」、「Blog content and backup」and「template design」etc. However, the main solution used is trying to solve the problem by oneself and ask for help from experienced people. The Academic Librarians recognize the positive impact of the Blogs to personal learning and knowledge sharing.en_US
dc.subjectAcademic Libraryen_US
dc.titleA study on the usage and establishment experiences of the personal Blog from Academic Librariansen_US

