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本研究探討台灣餐旅產業招募人員對應徵餐廳儲備人才的屬性偏好,研究分為兩部分作探討:一、以聯合分析法探討招募者對於不同屬性組合之應徵者的偏好程度,屬性包含「臉型」、「眼睛大小」、「教育程度」、「工作經驗」、「英文能力」、「期望薪資」等六屬性;二、實驗二探討應徵者照片對於招募者錄用決定的影響,並以招募人員認知應徵者人格特質作為中介變項,欲了解是否招募者是否會對應徵者照片產生人格特質之認知,並進而影響錄取決策。本研究結果將可提供應徵者、餐旅產業招募人員作為應徵與招募時之參考依據以及提供給學界作為培育學子的參考。本研究採用紙本問卷做為資料收集工具,研究對象為餐旅產業人力資源部門員工、餐廳中高階管理者、飯店高階主管以及餐飲部門主管,總計共發放350份問卷,並有效回收205份問卷。統計分析軟體為SPSS20.0,資料分析方法包括:敘述性統計、聯合分析、階層迴歸分析。其重要分析結果如下:(1)根據聯合分析,招募者對於應徵人員所重視的屬性程度依序排名為「期望薪資」、「工作經驗」、「語言能力」、「眼睛大小」、「學歷」、「臉型」;(2)應徵者照片(眼睛大小與臉型),顯著正向影響招募人員對其錄用決策;(3)應徵者眼睛大小對於人格特質 (親和性、勤勉審慎性、情緒穩定性、外向性) 的判斷上存在顯著差異;應徵者臉型對於人格特質 (親和性、情緒穩定性、外向性) 的判斷上存在顯著差異;(4)招募人員認知應徵者人格特質對招募人員錄用偏好不具顯著性影響;(5)招募人員認知應徵者人格特質對應徵者長相與招募人員錄用偏好間不具中介效果。
The following study explored the hospitality industry of Taiwan where recruiters set up their own screening criterion of selecting the best eligible candidates to work at their restaurants. Therefore preferences for attributes will be greatly scrutinized by recruiters. The study is divided into two types of experimental procedures: Experiment I) a joint analysis to investigate the degree of preferences which is a combination of different attributes of the candidates whose features included facial structures, eye size/shape of the face, level of education, work experience, English proficiency, and wage expectations. Experiment II) this involved recruiters examining the candidates’ photographs and then decide whether the five personality traits from the photos will influence their overall decision. So the five personality traits are the variables from the median which the researchers wish to know whether the candidates from the photos would yield a cognition thus affect the subject recruiters’ hiring decision. The findings will be made available for hospitality industry recruiters as future reference and can also be used for academic purposes for both students and faculty members in schools. The methodology used in this study involved questionnaire surveys to subjects in the human resources department of the hospitality industry, high& middle ranked restaurant managers, hotel executives, and heads of the food & beverages department. 350 questionnaire were returned, yielding a valid sample size of 205. The main software tool for data analysis was SPSS 20.0. Descriptive statistics, con joint analysis, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), hierarchical multiple regression were employed to analyze the data. The primary results include: (1) According to the results from conjoint analysis when recruiting eligible candidates,the ranking order of attributes in which recruiters valued the most as follow: wage expectations, work experience, foreign language proficiency, size of the eye, level of education, and facial structures. (2) The size of the eye and shape of face have significant positive influences on recruiters’ hiring decision.(3) There are significant difference between the size of the eye and the shape of face on personality judgment (size of the eye: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, emotional stability; shape of face: agreeableness, extraversion, emotional stability ) the recruiters percept. (4) Personality traits perception from recruiters didn’t have the significant positive influence on recruiters’ hiring decision. (5) Personality traits perception from recruiters didn’t have the mediating effects between the size of eye, shape of face and recruiter’s hiring decision.



聯合分析, 招募, 面相, 應徵者人格特質, 履歷表, conjoint analysis, recruitment, face, interviewer’s personality, resume





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