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近期在諸多產業不約而同都在執行數位轉型策略,速食產業也不例外,本次研究嘗試研究速食產業在數位轉型發展過程中,產業轉變型態與顧客消費體驗間的關聯性。目前多數速食業者在數位發展的過程中都會導入自助點餐機,因此本研究除針對自助點餐機外,也會探討消費者在多元支付體驗、雙點式服務(取餐叫號)系統、多渠道的外送服務的使用經驗,以及對於消費頻率間的影響。目前數位化的科技發展在現今產業多數已是不可逆的趨勢,因此本次研究更期望透過此次探討,了解顧客對於速食產業數位轉型的觀點及接受度,進而可以提供給更多其他餐飲產業轉型的依據參考,當然也期許同時可以更加提升國內消費者之數位消費經驗。本次研究將會以國內速食產業龍頭品牌麥當勞為例,研究近幾年來在數位轉型發展而衍生的各項服務內容的調整與變化。透過消費者訪談分析可以得知其消費者瓶於自助點餐機、多元化的支付方式、取餐叫號系統、乃至於外送服務平台等服務型態轉變大多表示與時代接軌、與時俱進的態度,當然透過訪談的過程中,近期外在環境的發展變化,新冠肺炎的發生及不確定性,也順勢影響著顧客消費方式的轉變。本次研究對於轉型後會面臨的內部、外部管理的影響、改變及挑戰有頗多分析,並且理解消費者對於速食產業的服務效率及方便性是有所期待的,並且亦可影響未來至餐廳消費頻率的關鍵因素,由於麥當勞在轉型的過程中有 符合消費者的期待,因此得以提升顧客的整體滿意度並帶動業績持續成長。
Many brands and businesses are undergoing digital transformation. Quick-serve restaurants (QSR) are also among them, striving to find ways to further grow the business and better connect with their consumers through a enhanced digital experience. Self-ordering kiosks (SOK) are now the norm in these QSR’s. Thus, this study will explore how SOK’s are designed to meet the customers’ needs, as well as how cashless, dual point service counters, and multi-channel delivery experiences can impact customers’ decision making and visit frequency. Digitalization today is inevitable for a business to survive in today’s competitive market; thus, this report hopes to understand consumers’ viewpoint and expectations on digitalization, and, in turn, not only to help other businesses in the industry, but also enhance the customers’ experience here in Taiwan.This research will use McDonald’s Taiwan as a case example, and how it has transformed and developed various digital services. Thru consumer interviews, we discovered how they interact and feel about services such as cashless payment, pick-up counter system, and multi-channel delivery. Furthermore, under the uncertainties brough on by COVID 19, we also gained some insights as to how this impacted consumption behavior. This research also delved into the company’s internal management challenges and culture change, and how it was able to satisfy consumers needs and grow the business.
Many brands and businesses are undergoing digital transformation. Quick-serve restaurants (QSR) are also among them, striving to find ways to further grow the business and better connect with their consumers through a enhanced digital experience. Self-ordering kiosks (SOK) are now the norm in these QSR’s. Thus, this study will explore how SOK’s are designed to meet the customers’ needs, as well as how cashless, dual point service counters, and multi-channel delivery experiences can impact customers’ decision making and visit frequency. Digitalization today is inevitable for a business to survive in today’s competitive market; thus, this report hopes to understand consumers’ viewpoint and expectations on digitalization, and, in turn, not only to help other businesses in the industry, but also enhance the customers’ experience here in Taiwan.This research will use McDonald’s Taiwan as a case example, and how it has transformed and developed various digital services. Thru consumer interviews, we discovered how they interact and feel about services such as cashless payment, pick-up counter system, and multi-channel delivery. Furthermore, under the uncertainties brough on by COVID 19, we also gained some insights as to how this impacted consumption behavior. This research also delved into the company’s internal management challenges and culture change, and how it was able to satisfy consumers needs and grow the business.
數位轉型, 自助點餐機, 多元支付, Digital transformation, Self-Order Kiosk, Cashless