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本研究旨在瞭解國民中學學校永續領導的現況。本研究方法為問卷調查法,並據相關文獻編制「國民中學學校永續領導之調查問卷」之研究工具。本研究以大臺北地區(臺北市及新北市)公立國民中學為研究對象,共計發放667份正式問卷,有效問卷為399份,問卷回收率為59.8%。再將回收資料進一步以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等方法進行分析處理,所獲得結論如下: 壹、學校永續領導實踐仍有努力空間 貳、男性對學校永續領導之實踐情形較女性佳 參、年齡和服務年資長、學歷在研究所以上、校長和教師兼任行政職者,對於學校永續領導實踐情形較佳 肆、學校永續領導對學校發展益形重要 伍、學校永續領導能引入「資源豐富」與敦促「深度學習」最能驅策效益 陸、追求短期績效和標準齊一的僵化,會不利於學校永續領導中深度學習的進   行 柒、網絡運作和改革心態的封閉,會不利於學校永續領導的引進豐富資源   最後,依據結論,研究者就教育行政機關、學校領導者以及未來研究提出相關建議,以供參考。
This study aims to understand the current situation of school sustainable leadership in junior high school.The method adopted for this study was questionnaire suvey.Based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named“The Questionnaire of School Sustainable Leadership in Junior High School” was developed.The subject of this study are the school personnel of public junior high schools in Taipei City.There are 667 questionnaires in the sampling investigation, 399 effective questionnaire were collected, and the effective ruturns-ratio is about 59.8%. Futher, the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, on way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression.The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The sustainable leadership of school should be practice arduously. 2.Men on the practice of school sustainable leadership is better than females. 3.Senior, long years of service, qualifications above in the institute, principals and administrators is above the average. 4.The school sustainable leadership is important to school development. 5.The practice of “resourceful” and “deep learning” is the most functional to the school sustainable leadership. 6. The pursuit of short-term performance and standards will cause adverse effect on deep learning of school sustainable leadership. 7. The plight of Network operations and reform mentality will cause adverse effect on resourceful of school sustainable leadership.   Finally, referent advices deduced from this study will be provide for the education administration authorities, school leader and researchers.



學校領導, 永續領導, 永續經營, school leadership, sustainable leadership, sustainable managerment





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