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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究之目的在於探討「應用情境學習原則之機車安全教育課程」,是否可以提高學生注意安全行車的能力、發覺道路潛在危險、處理交通事故及傷患能力,以及學 校對此課程的反應及意見。本研究採「準實驗設計」,以臺北市中國海事商業專科學校二專一年級學校為研究對象,立意取樣二班為實驗組(91人),二班為對照 組(90人),共181。實驗組接受三單元共三週(每週100分鐘)的教學介入,對照組則無教學介入。本研究以「交通安全行車認知測驗」為主為的評量工 具,對兩組進行前測、後測及後後測。分別以單因子共變數分析、雙因子重複量數共變數分析,來了解教學介入後的立即及短期效果。本研究的主要發現有:一、 「應用情境學習原則之機車安全教育課程」可以立即增進學生注意安全行車能力、發覺道路潛在危險、處理交通事故及傷患的能力。二、教學介入三週後,學生在注 意安全行車能力、發覺道路潛在危險、處理交通事故及傷患的能力仍有持續的效果。另外,實驗組接受學習過程意見調查。其結果為(1)課程設計可引發學習興 趣;(2)「做中學」的概念,可加深學習效果。
He purpose of t his study consists in designing a motorcycle safety educational curriculum by application of the principle of situated-learning, in order to assess the effects and to investigate the learning process of the curriculum in the capability of safety driving、risk awareness and accident handling. This study was constructed on quasi-experimental design, which sample 4 classes of freshman students from the China College Marine Technology and Commerce (CCMTC) at Taipei as research subjects. These students were non-randomly assigned to the treatment group(n=90). The treatment group received the intervention curriculum of 3 units for 3 weeks and the control group received nothing. Two groups took the pretest、posttest and post-posttest with the traffic safety cognition questionnaire. One-way analysis of covariance and two-way analysis of repeated covariance were used to test these hypothesis. The finings in this study were as follows: 1、The motorcycle safety educational curriculum enhanced the subjects the capability8 of safety driving、risk awareness and accident handling at traffic safety significantly. 2、Three weeks after accomplishing the curriculum, the subjects in the treatment group still had better in the capability of safety driving、risk awareness and accident handling at traffic safety than the control group. According to the analysis of investigation learning process in the treatment group, these subjects’ reactions and opinions from the curriculum were shown as follows, 1、The subjects had interest in this design of the curriculum. 2、Practice-in learning, it can help to be impressed on subjects’ learning.



