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中文摘要 人類使用紙鈔的歷史十分久遠,但隨著人類文明的進步、社會經濟的發展以及科學技術的精進,紙鈔早已成為人類經濟活動交易時最重要的兌換工具;同時由於印刷與造紙技術的日益精進,也使得紙鈔的設計形式從早期簡拙的兌換憑證,演變至今成為精美繁複的印刷藝術品。 時至今日,由於電腦科技的發達,數位繪製(Digital mapping)的軟硬體已十分完備並被廣泛應用,因此世界各國在紙鈔的設計創作上,已漸漸摒除過去以手工精細描繪的方式,而是運用專業的電腦繪圖軟硬體,快速的將各種圖像、紋飾繪製成超越人腦想像空間的「點」、「線」元素,再透過精準的參數運算及可無限次的修改模式加以構組、合成為「面」的形式,使得紙鈔的設計風格產生了重大變革,並為傳統的設計表現形式注入了新的風貌。 本創作研究是以電腦繪圖的設計方式,為新台幣紙鈔設計100圓、500圓、1000圓三種面額,其創作重點著重於以電腦繪圖為媒材,將紙鈔中的各種圖像以數位化的形式構成,除證明運用電腦繪圖工具的操作技巧及設計思維能為新台幣紙鈔設計開創新的風格與創作技法外,同時也嘗試為紙鈔設計在構成要素及美的形式原理上加以詮釋與分析探討,使紙鈔的設計在實務與理論之間可以有相互印證的依據。 關鍵字:數位繪製、電腦繪圖、紙鈔設計
Abstract The history of paper money is long, but with the civilization and progress of mankind, socio-economic development, and scientific technology sophistication, paper money has become the most important human economic trading and exchange tool; moreover, due to the increasing improvement of the printing and paper production technology, which will enable the early poor paper money design of a trading tools into current exquisite and complicated print of art. Today, as computer technology developed, digital painting software and hardware are very comprehensive and are widely adopted, therefore the world in the creative design base of paper money has gradually excluded artistic hand-draw method, but using a professional computer graphics painting software and hardware, it can quickly make any images and decoration drawings into unimaginable “dot” and “line” elements, then with further precise calculation of the modification models and structure by combining “surface” form. This eventually revolutionize the paper money design style and change traditional design and manifestations with new outlook. The study is based on computer mapping of creative design, which is responsible for designing the NT dollar; 100NT, 500NT, and 1000NT in three denominations. The main focus of the study is on the creative computer mapping for the media by using variety of images on paper money and convert it into digital form of graphics. In addition, the study will prove the operation skills of computer mapping tool and design method is to open up new NT dollar’s creative design and techniques, Meanwhile, using digital media elements in constructing paper money and analyzing and discuss the form and principles in it. which allow the practical matter of designing paper money to interrelate with its theories. Keyword : digital mapping, computer mapping, paper money design



數位繪製, 電腦繪圖, 紙鈔設計





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