
dc.contributorYu, Hsiao-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Kuan-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract對於特殊教育學生行為處理之教育理念持續翻新,從行為功能概念、正向行為支持逐漸建構更有系統之全校性正向行為支持與班級性行為支持。國內相關全校性正向行為支持之推動仍於起步初期,而本研究擇以特殊教育學校作為探討場域,旨在探究特殊教育學校推動全校性正向行為支持時,其校內團隊合作的困境與因應策略,了解學校成員對於推動全校性正向行為支持過程,其團隊合作之認知、校內現況與成員感受、困境與因應策略等。  本研究以臺北市一所特殊學校為研究場域,並以立意取樣邀請該校導師、專任教師、教師兼行政、專業人員與職員作為研究參與者,透過質性調查法之半結構深度訪談法進行探究,所獲研究結論如下。壹、特殊教育學校於全校性正向行為支持運作時,成員對於團隊合作之認知彙整如下。  有關團隊組成部分,校內成員無將校內所有人視為團隊一份子,且成員對全校性正向行為支持之運作方式與成員功能產生認知差異,較特別地,雖成員對於全校性正向行為支持之內涵重要性皆予以肯定,但卻對其於特殊教育學校學生的行為支持成效卻存疑。  在全校性正向行為支持各內涵中,成員認為期待目標設定、行為策略使用、行為紀錄與行為觀察皆為教師職責,而導師更是主責角色,但皆肯定其執行之作業困難,認為教師如需協助可向行政成員尋求。成員認為全校性正向行為支持若欲獲得校內成員支持應經由充分的溝通得以建立願景,尤其認為獲得教師的支持對於推動之成功格外重要。貳、特殊教育學校在推動全校性正向行為支持時,團隊合作之現況與成員感受彙整如下。  教師多以社會適應為原則擬定期待目標,而行為策略則以教師各自之教學理念與經驗產生差異,可看出在全校性正向行為支持之團隊合作現況中,教師為十分重要之角色。目前校內尚無規劃三級預防介入模式,故在行為支持之運作依據與資源納入多寡亦是由教師做決策,但教師間卻在全校性正向行為支持之各內涵執行過程存著差異,且教師間技術支援與連結多僅限於關係相近之成員,且教師間合作模式又因校內人員流動快速而影響。另外,導師於合作過程之特別影響力,導師合作積極度會影響教師間對於目標設定之共識,行為資訊亦多掌握於導師。  對於學校推動全校性正向行為支持之過程,多數成員表示不理解推動願景,認為政策規畫多為點狀且與教師期待不同,而支持態度較為低落。參、成員對於特殊教育學校推動全校性正向行為支持所遇之團隊合作困境而提出之個人因應策略與調整建議彙整如下。  當成員面對校內之團隊合作之學生行為與政策資訊流通度不夠、教師間所用行為策略不一致時,多數成員採取之因應策略多為主動溝通,而當溝通無法達成效果時則多尋求其他成員之介入處理或是予以作罷;而在作業分工不明之狀況下,當成員感到工作壓力時,校內成員所因應方式差異大,部分成員會自行分配工作,而亦有部分成員會承擔額外工作量以因應;而當行政成員面對教師之政策配合度較低等困境時,其以私下尋求關係較親近之教師協助推廣做為因應。  對於全校性正向行為支持之團隊合作困境,成員認為應先建立團隊願景令成員形塑共識,並規劃符合願景且成員執行性高之完整系統性執行方式並須由領導者向所有成員進行充分之說明與溝通,在推動上應號召校內教師成立核心團隊,加強由下而上推動之力量,並針對執行困難與團隊分工困難之作業應增加人力資源或完善相關制度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe educational concept of behavior supporting for special education students has been continuously advancing, from functional behavior assessment to more systematic school-wide positive behavioral support and class-wide behavioral support. The promotion of school-wide positive behavioral support in Taiwan is still in its infancy, and this study chooses special schools as the research field, aiming to explore the dilemma of intra-school teamwork and strategies when special schools promote school-wide positive behavioral support to understand the school members' cognition of teamwork, the current situation in the school and members' feelings, difficulties and coping strategies in the progress of promoting school-wide positive behavioral support. The researcher chose a special school in Taipei as the research field, for purposive sampling, invited class teachers, full-time teachers, administrators, professionals of special education and staff as research participants. Through semi-structured interview of qualitative research, conclusions of research are as follows. Ⅰ. When school-wide positive behavioral support is complied in special schools, school members’ cognition of teamwork Regarding team components, school members do not regard everyone in the school as part of the team, and members have different cognitive in the operation of school-wide positive behavioral support and functions of members. Members account the connotation important, but surprisingly, they question the effectiveness of promoting school-wide positive behavioral supportin special schools.Among the connotations of school-wide positive behavioral support, members believe that setting expectations, using behavioral strategies, recording behaviors, and observing behaviors are all the responsibilities of teachers, and class teachers are the main responsibility, although all members think that as though work to do; in their opinions, class teachers can seek assistance from an executive members if they need. Members believe adequate communication to build the vision would get members’ support to school-wide positive behavioral support, and the support from class teachers is especially important.Ⅱ. When special schools promote school-wide positive behavioral support, the situation of teamwork and members’ feelings are summarized as follows.Teachers usually formulate students’ behavioral goals based on the principle of social adaptation, while behavioral strategies are based on teachers' own teaching philosophy and experience; there is no suspect that teachers are the important roles in teamwork of school-wide positive behavioral support. At present, three-tiered model of prevention has not planned in the school; therefore, the basis for the operation of behavioral support and the amount of resources to be included are also made by teachers. However, technical support and connections among teachers are mostly limited to members with similar relationships, and the mode of cooperation between teachers is affected by the rotation of personnel within the school. In addition, class teachers have special influence; the enthusiasm of class teachers to cooperate will affect the consensus among teachers on behavioral goal setting, and behavior information is also controlled by class teachers.For the process of promoting school-wide positive behavioral support, most members express that they do not understand the promotion vision, and believe that policy planning is point-like and different from teachers' expectations, so they take a negative attitude to support. Ⅲ. The coping strategies and adjustment suggestions from members of special schools for the difficulties of teamwork are summarized as follows. When members face the difficulties of teamwork, lack of information communications on student behavior and policy information of teamwork in the school, and the inconsistent behavior strategies used by teachers, most of the members’ coping strategies are active communication; as if the communication is invalid, they ask for help from other members or five up. There is no clear division of work in the school, when members feel work pressure, they respond differently; some members will assign work by themselves, and some members will undertake extra workload to cope with it. When administrative members face difficulties such as low degree of cooperation of teachers with the policy, they respond by seeking private teachers who are close to them to assist in promotion.For the teamwork difficulties of school-wide positive behavior support, members believe that a team vision should be established first so that members can form a consensus, and a complete and systematic implementation method that conforms to the vision and is highly executable by members must be fully implemented by the leader to all members. In the progress of promotion, teachers should be agglomerated to set up a core team to strengthen the power of bottom-up promotion, and for tasks that are difficult to implement and to divide among members, relevant systems should be improved to get human resources.en_US
dc.subjectdifficulties and strategiesen_US
dc.subjectpositive behavioral supporten_US
dc.subjectschool-wide positive behavioral supporten_US
dc.subjectspecial schoolsen_US
dc.titlePreliminary Research on Difficulties and Coping Strategies of Teamwork in Promoting School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Special Schools–A Case Study of a Special School in Taipeien_US


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