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高等教育的目標是否能有效達成,學生就學經驗是否能促成改變或更進一步的發 展,需要從學生的學習成果加以檢視;近來大學校院對於大學生二一退學制有許多的 爭議,有關教育人員應探討究竟哪些因素影響大學生不及格學分數多寡,以及對於其 學業成就的影響,了解有多少學生因為志趣不合、家庭因素、學習態度等因素,導致 不及格學分較多,才能據以訂定適當的政策與輔導措施。本研究依據影響大學生學業 成就的理論模式,以國立師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心建置的高等教育資料庫的問卷 資料為對象,比較大三學生不及格學分數範圍不同的組別,在入學背景、學校環境、 修課經驗、學術經驗、課外經驗與學業成就等方面的差異,並驗證大學生學業成就的 影響模式。研究方法以量化為主,質性為輔。量化研究以92 學年度大一與94 學年度 大三問卷均有填答的公私立大學院校學生資料為對象。統計方法主要運用單因子變異 數分析不及格學分數不同組別間的差異,並以結構方程模式驗證大學生學業成就影響 模式。再依據量化研究結果,分析進一步探討的問題,透過一對一深度訪談,收集質 性資料。研究結果期能提供大學校院訂定提昇大學生學業成就政策與輔導措施之參考。
The improvement of teaching and learning quality in colleges should be the focus of higher education today. Whether to drop students out of school due to their failed credits exceeding the 50% of total became a serious issue recently. In order to design proper policy to improve the academic performance for college students, the faculties have to explore the related factors with their poor performance. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact model of pre-collegiate traits, campus experiences on academic performances for college students. The data of the study collected from the freshmen survey on 2003, junior survey on 2005 and one year after graduation survey on 2008 of higher education data base built by Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development at National Taiwan Normal University. The participants collected from 2003 to 2008 were all the same in this longitudinal study. For statistical analysis, the researcher will use the one-wayANOVA approach and Structural Equation Modeling. After analyzing the quantitative data, a qualitative interview was conducted with the participants who were selected based on the learning outcomes. The research results will be used as a reference for universities and colleges for the designing of adequate teaching activities and programs with the aim of improving the learning quality of students.



