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本研究目的為分析「艾弗瑞全能鋼琴教程」與「芬貝爾基礎鋼琴教程」兩套初級鋼琴教材之各十一級鋼琴教本內容,以及比較這兩套教材中鋼琴教本內容架構。 本研究僅採用質化的「內容分析法」,運用研究者自編之「鋼琴教本內容類目表」作為研究工具,針對各級鋼琴教本內容中屬於音樂知識、彈奏技巧,以及曲目編排等三面向進行分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、「艾弗瑞」與「芬貝爾」兩套教材在音樂知識面向的內容豐富,皆先從各式音符、休止符時值長短的介紹開始,接續為音高與譜表等其他音樂知識面向的內容介紹,其中「艾弗瑞」教材教學進程緊湊,「芬貝爾」教材教學採漸進式。 二、「艾弗瑞」與「芬貝爾」教材在彈奏技巧面向的內容編排由易而難、循序漸進,「艾弗瑞」教材較重視手指技巧的訓練,「芬貝爾」教材強調不同觸鍵之彈奏姿勢。 三、「艾弗瑞」與「芬貝爾」教材在曲目編排面向的內容,兩套教材多以編者創作曲或改編曲居多,且涵蓋多樣化音樂風格。 最後,並根據研究結果,對教材編輯者、教學者與未來研究提出建議,以作為初級鋼琴教學參考之用。
The objective of this research is to analyze the content of eleven different levels of piano lesson books from “Alfred’s Basic Piano Library” and “Faber’s Piano Adventure,” two elementary piano method series, while comparing the structure of the content within these books at the same time. This research employed content analysis only qualitatively. By utilizing uniquely created comparison charts as research tools, thorough analysis and comparison were made on musical knowledge, piano playing techniques, and piece arrangement in these piano lesson books. The main findings of this research are as followed: 1.In terms of musical knowledge, piano method series from both Alfred and Faber exhibit very rich content, and both begin with introduction to various musical notes as well as length of rests, followed by introduction to pitch and staff and many other contents. The two versions differ from one another in that Alfred’s lesson books tend to progress more rapidly than Faber’s. 2.In terms of piano playing techniques, both Alfred and Faber’s start with easy techniques and become progressively harder. However, Alfred’s series emphasize more on finger techniques where as Faber’s series focus more on the posture of various key-touches. 3.In terms of piece arrangement, both piano method series tend to select original pieces or transcriptions covering various styles of music written by the authors. Finally, recommendations were made base on the results of this research for editors of teaching materials, teachers, and also for future research. These results could also serve as a reference for elementary piano pedagog



艾弗瑞全能鋼琴教程, 芬貝爾基礎鋼琴教程, 初級鋼琴教材, 鋼琴教材內容, Alfred's Basic Piano Library, Faber's Piano Adventure, elementary piano method series, contents of piano method series

