
dc.contributor.authorChang, Chia-Juien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在幼兒園融合情境中實施教練訓練模式,協助學前普通教師增加其特殊教育專業知能,以面對融合情境中的挑戰及增進特殊需求幼兒的參與和學習。本研究採取行動研究法,以臺中市某國小附設幼兒園中的三位學前普通教師、一位學前巡迴輔導教師、一位特殊需求幼兒及其家長等人為研究參與者。在行動研究修正的循環下,研究者與學前巡迴輔導教師、三位學前普通教師共同經歷了為期一學期的教練訓練。特殊需求幼兒家長則是以第三者的觀點,提供本研究重要的相關訊息及回饋。本研究之發現如下: 一、教練訓練模式有效促進學前普通教師的特教專業知能發展。關係建立階段,為未來合作關係奠基,工作坊則協助教師強化並獲得靜態的專業知能。透過初始計畫階段,讓團隊成員能系統化地規劃行動計畫。正式行動階段,透過教練訓練中五個要素的循環,教師們動態地獲得專業知能。評鑑成效階段,確認了教師們達成專業知能發展的目標。 二、學前普通教師在專業知能發展的歷程中,在各面向有不等的正向改變。教師們從缺乏教學策略及課程調整者,轉變為具備特教專業知能者,融合信念上也有所改變。教師們亦跳脫被動地接收策略,成為自信、主動、預防性的問題解決者。不同個性、背景的教師,呈現出不同的專業發展樣貌。相互間討論的增加,讓經驗堆疊出集體效能。最終解決了融合上的困境,提升了融合班級經營的能力。 三、在學前普通教師專業知能成長後,特殊需求幼兒在各方面的參與和學習亦有相當大的改變和進步。除了能高度地參與團體活動、順利地於活動間轉銜外,幼兒亦能獨立自主地完成日常例行工作。幼兒能將目標行為類化至其他的情境和對象,亦帶動了非目標行為能力的提升。 四、在實施教練訓練後,研究者本身亦從研究中有所獲益及成長。研究者透過反思解決了所遭遇的考驗,但亦有困境未能完全有效解決。平等的夥伴關係有助於教練訓練之實施,但主要取決於研究者的經營。研究者在教練訓練的實施過程,獲得了寶貴的實務經驗,亦提升了自身在執行行動研究上的能力。 五、本研究依據現場問題與文獻的指引,歷經前導研究與正式研究的執行,在行動過程中,逐步修正並發展出適切的教練訓練模式運作流程。 最後,本研究就未盡完善之處說明研究限制,並根據研究結果,提出教練訓練實施上的相關建議,以及後續研究之方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to apply coaching to kindergarten teachers in an inclusive setting to develop their profession of special education and to improve the participation and learning of the child with special needs further. The participants in this one-semester action research were three kindergarten teachers, an itinerant early childhood special education teacher, a child with special needs, and his mother. The primary participants were the three kindergarten teachers who received coaching. The mother of the child with special needs also provided important information and feedback related to this research. The findings were as follows: 1.Coaching effectively facilitated the professional development of special education in three kindergarten teachers. During the first phase, the research team built the relationship. The professions of teachers were consolidated via workshops. Then the team systematically and collaboratively made the initiative plan. During the next phase, the researcher worked with teachers to support their implementation of Building Blocks, which is a framework for effective teaching practices for early childhood. The final phase involved an assessment and review of goals and accomplishments of a planfor sustained implementation of practices that had been the focus. 2.During the process of coaching, each teacher had experienced different positive changes pertaining to their professional development. Besides, teachers had become more active, confident, and preventive in their teaching. The study also found the teachers’ beliefs of inclusion had changed. As discussion among teachers increased, their collective teacher efficacy developed. As a result of their improvement of the professional development, the teachers eventually were able to resolve the difficulties of inclusion in a more professional manner. 3.The child with special needs made progress in participation and learning after teachers’ professional development. The child with special needs was able to fully engage in group activities, smoothly transition between activities, and independently accomplish daily routines. The child was also able to generalize the target behaviors across settings and people. Moreover, the collateral changes in target behaviors were evoked. 4.The researcher benefited from the process of coaching. The researcher not only overcame the challenges through reflection, but also gained valuable experience. However, a conflict related to the paraprofessional was irreconcilable. The researcher also found that establishment of equal partnership was critical to coaching and depended on the management by the coach. 5.The operating pattern of coaching was developed as the research progressed. Finally, based on the results, the suggestions were proposed for the future application of coaching and researches.en_US
dc.subjectearly childhood inclusionen_US
dc.subjectcurriculum modificationen_US
dc.subjectaction researchen_US
dc.subjectprofessional developmenten_US
dc.titleAn Action Research on Coaching Kindergarten Teachers in an Inclusive Settingen_US

