

  本研究的目的在於探討中藥生脈散對運動員安靜時的心跳率與血壓值及12分鐘跑走等生理反應的差異。受試對象為汐止國中青少棒球隊男生,共20名志願參與本研究者,並以隨機抽樣方式分為生脈散組10名 (年齡14.50±0.52歲;身高172.10±3.51公分;體重65.50±5.46公斤)和對照組10名(年齡13.40±0.51歲;身高172.40±2.45公分;體重60.30±8.05公斤),每日服用生脈散(或安慰劑)膠囊3次,每次3粒,一次服藥劑量為3公克,2組受試者均於服用藥前進行前測,服用藥後第10、12、14天時,各進行一次測驗,前後共四次測驗。實驗所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數進行統計分析處理。研究結果顯示,服用生脈散的安靜心跳率由70.00次/分降低至57.20次/分(降低18.2%),安靜心收縮壓由116.70mmHg降低至97.40mmHg(降低16.5%),安靜心舒張壓由71.20mmHg降低至61.80mmHg(降低 13.20 %)及12分鐘跑走由2265公尺進步至2595公尺(進步12.7 %)。結果顯示服用生脈散在第10、12和14天時的效果均顯著優於服用前,另外,第12和14天時的心跳率和血壓值也顯著低於安慰劑。且服用的時間越久,其效果越顯著。研究結果服用生脈散對心血管確實有作用,也反應在12分鐘跑走的結果,使運動者對運動的執行感覺較為輕鬆。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of chinese herbal medicine “sheng-mai-san”on physiological function and physical performance. Methods: Twenty elite male baseball athletes were randomly assigned to two groups. The treatment group(N=10, 14.50±0.52yrs; 65.50±5.46 kg; 172.10±3.51cm) took the chinese herbal medicine “sheng-mai-san” (3g before three meals for 14 days) and the control group (N=10, 13.40±0.51yrs; 60.30±8.05kg; 172.40±2.45cm) took the “placebo” (3g before three meals for 14 days). Physiological responses were measured before and after the 10th, 12th, 14th days of the treatments. Physiological measurements included the heart rate, the blood pressure and the 12 minute walk-run. A two-way ANOVA was applied for the data analysis. Results: The results of this research showed that “sheng-mai-san” significantly decreased the resting heart rate by 18.2%, the systolic blood pressure by 16.5% and the diastolic blood pressure by 13.2% (p<.05)respectively and it also significantly increased 12 minute walk-run distance by 12.7% while no significant different responses were found in “placebo” group. Conclusion: The results indicated that there were some effects in cardiovascular by taken “sheng-mai-san”, and exercises were completed more easily. The results suggested that sheng-mai-san is effective in increasing physical performance.



複方生脈散, 心跳率, 血壓值, 12分鐘跑走, Sheng-Mai-San, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, 12 Minute Walk-Run

