臺灣八年級學生的民主與公民素養態度及其相關因素:ICCS 2009資料庫的應用

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本研究目的在瞭解臺灣八年級學生的民主與公民素養態度及其相關因素。研究者以IEA在2009年所進行的ICCS研究計畫資料,探討前因變項-學生屬性與家庭背景,以及歷程變項-學生社會化和學習、家庭環境和學校教師等因素,與臺灣八年級學生的民主與公民素養態度之關係。採用的資料分析方法包括:描述統計、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異分析、Pearson積差相關,以及階層多元迴歸。本研究結果如下: 一、臺灣八年級學生的民主與公民素養態度傾向皆顯著高於理論平均值,顯示學生的態度傾向積極正面。 二、前因變項中的「家庭背景」對於學生「民主價值的支持度」、「知覺傳統公民素養的重要性」、以及「知覺基進公民素養的重要性」皆有具顯著差異存在。在「學生屬性」的性別方面,顯著差異僅存在學生「知覺基進公民素養重要性」,且女學生的得分顯著高於男學生。 三、在歷程變項中「學生社會化和學習」除了「社區的公民參與」達到部分相關之外,其他的因素皆與臺灣學生的民主與公民素養態度具有顯著正相關;同時,學生的「家庭環境」因素,皆與臺灣學生的民主與公民素養態度具有顯著正相關;然而在「學校教師」中僅有「教師對教學方法的自信程度」達到顯著正相關,以及「教學評量的多元程度」與臺灣學生的民主與公民素養態度具有部分相關外,其餘變項未達統計上的顯著相關。 四、控制前因變項後,歷程變項對臺灣八年級學生的民主與公民素養態度具有顯著的預測力。
The purposes of this study were to understand Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship and their related factors. The target data base was the International Civic and Citizenshi Edication Study (ICCS) contained 5,167 Taiwanese 8th graders and 2,367 teachers to investigate the relationship among the antecedents which referred to student characteristics, the processes which referred to student socialization and learning, and the students’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings. I.The socres of Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship are significantly higher than theoretical means, and it shows that the students’ attitudes were positive and enthusiastic. II.In terms of the antecedent variables, the factor “home background” shows the significant difference in students’ supports for the basic democratic values, perceptions of the conventional citizenship, and perceptions of the social-movement related citizenship. As to the factor “student characteristics”, there is the significant difference only in students’ perceptions of the social-movement related citizenship, and it also shows that females’ scores are higher than males’. III.In terms of the process variables, except for “community civic engagement”, the rest of the student socialization and learning factors are all significantly positive correlated with Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship. The factor “home background” is also significantly positive correlated with Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship. However, there is a significantly positive correlation only between “teachers’ confidence in teaching methods” and Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship. And there is a partial significantly correlation between “teachers’ assessment” and Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship. IV.After controlling the antecedent variables, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analyses show that the process variables are all significant in predicting Taiwanese 8th graders’ attitudes toward democracy and citizenship.



國際公民教育素養調查研究, 八年級學生, 民主態度, 公民素養, International Civic and Citizenship Education Study(ICCS), 8th grade students, democratic attitude, citizenship

