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本研究所介紹的「批判取向的教學設計理論」為研究者針對人們的心靈需求、及社會快速發展下影響生活、學習與溝通品質的關鍵能力(如批判、反省與創造能力等高層思考力)的培養,所建構的一個鉅觀的、整合性的、批判取向的教學與學習設計(以下簡稱教學設計,實則包涵學習的設計)理論架構。 研究者嘗試建構批判取向的教學設計理論架構主要是希望從教學設計理論的「建構歷程」,根本釐清過去乃至目前為人所應用的種種教學設計理論,其發展與建構過程所根據的理念、知識基礎、乃至學術的盲點,其積極目的在擺脫傳統教學設計理論建構的化約策略,脫離以教學方法為主軸的思考,因為此理論將不以傳統的教材設計或活動設計為單一、僅有的設計目標,其所設計的重點也將不局限於教學方法的選擇與應用,而是從生活、學習與溝通三方面共通之人際互動、環境資源、環境空間與多元情境等層面去思考及探索批判取向的教學設計理論所應有的內涵。本研究的理論建構方法主要參考Snelbecker(1974)所提出的一般理論建構法的原則與當代德國哲學大師Habermas(1972)之知識建構論對理論與實踐的探討,及其所發展出來有關理論建構的論述。 在建構批判的教學與學習歷程,研究者除了釐清內在(Inward)與外在(Outward)批判歷程的不同及相關性,也根據學習、教學與設計的批判省思,描繪批判學習與教學設計的透視(Crystalization)、延展(Extension)、轉化(Transformation)與開創(Exploration)四個互動的關鍵歷程,這樣的歷程主要是開展設計參與者的學習、對話、思考的省覺空間,從對教學方法的關注延伸至教學內在、外在的障礙與機會的探索,這樣的設計取向是不離充滿不確定、變化、複雜的真實世界,也是培養設計者或設計團隊在面對種種情境時能有批判的思考及應變能力,同時強調設計團隊彼此的支援與協同機制的建立,而不只是應用設計的知識和工具而已。 整體而言,批判教學設計理論乃是一鉅觀的設計理論,而非微觀的教學設計理論,如情境學習或建構學習等以單一學習理論為思考的設計理論,研究者希望將設計的動態性、複雜性、不確定性藉由批判設計的歷程,開拓設計參與者的省思空間。在提出此理論架構後,研究者將在未來的研究中將進一步發展此鉅觀設計理論的應用策略,以期實際提供教育與訓練具體的思考及實踐。
Instructional design is an important research area in the field of Educational Technology. Instructional design has gained more and more recognition in recent years. Especially when Taiwan is marching into the information era, how to integrate the information, learning and communication message on the computer technology, enabling users to transform their information anxiety into powerful knowledge construction, depends on the collaboration of instructional design researchers and computer technologists. As the school education demands restructuring and society requires life-long learning, how to guide the government and people to create environments for effective learning is the responsibility of instructional design researchers of other relevant professionals. However, the development of instructional design theories has been heavily dependent on knowledge of other basic fields. Very often, instructional design researchers rarely reflect upon their own theoretical bases until the evolution of other basic fields challenge the underlying assumptions of instructional design. Due to such historical development, instructional design theories have yet incorporated the various knowledge bases to integrate into larger or more macro theories. Therefore, the research expect to build a critical-oriented instructional theory, focusing on the construction of instructional design theory, and reflecting on the knowledge bases and goals of instructional design, rather than borrowing knowledge from other fields to build one more instructional design theory. In attempting to construct a critical-oriented instructional design theory, the researcher will first clarify the essence of instructional design, and other relevant concepts. She will also analyze related instructional activities and review the contemporary literature on instructional design theories. Through the historical analysis and review of instructional design, she will examine the inadequacies of the discipline of instructional design. The researcher will construct a critical-oriented instructional design theory through general instructional theory construction approach, mainly Snelbeker's theory construction principles. In addition, Habermas' theoretical framework of knowledge construction, and the discussion between theory and practice will be adopted to examine the primary concepts in this research.







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