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為能培育學生藝術與美感學習的能力以及實踐大學的人文精神,本研究企圖建構一個美感學習的大學城,延伸學生的藝術美感學習活動於生活環境脈絡中,涵養其和諧美感的心靈、強化美的感受力、以及對於校園、社區與城市產生人文關懷。因此本研究目的有四:(一)探究建構一個美感學習的大學城之基本元素、構面與向度;(二)探究「建構一個美感學習的大學城-臺灣師範大學為例」之構成元素、元素構面與向度因子;(三)探究臺灣師範大學的學生針對40個美感的向度因子對於他們的藝術與美感學習動機與成效的影響度、與原因以及加強藝術教育活動的省思;(四)探究使用者對於「建構一個美感學習的大學城-臺灣師範大學為例」六個構成元素內容之相關建議,以及訪談相關行政規劃單位對於師生與居民建議之相關解決之道。 基於以上研究目的,獲致研究結果如下:(一)建構一個美感學習的大學城的基本元素是6個構成元素、21個元素構面與60個元素向度;(二)以臺灣師範大學為研究案例,將師大校園藝術人文資產與藝術教育課程等藝術文化資本、以及師大社區的環境美學特色,融入於美感學習的大學城之建構,需要6個構成元素 、23個元素構面、83元素向度與163個向度因子;(三)「如果校園進行整體室內美感空間完善的規劃設計」等5項因子最易促進學生的藝術與美感學習的動機與成效;「便捷的交通規劃」等5項因子最不易促進學生的藝術與美感學習的動機與成效;「推動多元文化藝術教育」等10項加強藝術教育活動與其他相關環境營造之省思;(四)「營造優質的圖書館環境,提升古典人文閱讀與研究的氛圍以及環境空間美感的品質,以培育學生藝術與美感學習的能力」等六項解決之道。 最後,研究者建議校園建置多元主題的博物館,營造校園藝術人文與美感學習的氛圍;以台師大藝術人文資源協助社區藝術人文與美感學習氛圍的營造;將台師大建構成「美感學習的大學城」,成為全國藝術教育發展的典範。
To cultivate students’ art and aesthetic learning and practice humanistic spirit of college education, the research is to build an aesthetic learning university town, which will extend students’ art and aesthetic learning activities to their living environmental contexts, and cultivate their harmonious and aesthetic soul, their abilities of aesthetic feeling, and humanistic concern to campus, community and city. Thus, the research aims to construct the norm for elements, dimensions, and trends of building an aesthetic learning university town; to explore the elements, dimensions, and trends, and factors of building an aesthetic learning university town-taking National Taiwan Normal University as an example;to investigate 40 aesthetic factors impact on students’ art and aesthetic learning motion and effects, their reasons of influence, and the researcher’s reflection on strengthening art education activities;to search the users’ relative demands about the six elements of building an aesthetic learning university town-taking National Taiwan Normal University as an example, and interview the administrative planner of NTNU campus, community and Taipei city government about the solutions to users’ demands. Six solutions to the users’ demands have been interviewed from the administrative planner of NTNU campus, community and Taipei city government. The main findings are as followed: (1) It consists of 6 elements, 21 dimensions, and 60 trends for building an aesthetic learning university town. (2) Taking National Taiwan Normal University as an example, we will integrate arts and humanistic assets and art education curriculum on campus, and environmental aesthetic characteristics with the community, which needs 6 elements, 23 dimensions, 83 trends, and 163 factors for building an aesthetic learning university town. (3) Five aesthetic factors including “if campus administrative planner can perfect entirely interior design of campus buildings.” will encourage students’ art and aesthetic learning most motivationally and effectively. Five aesthetic factors including“Convenient traffic plan” will encourage students’ art and aesthetic learning least motivationally and effectively. Researcher reflects ten relative learning activities including “promoting multicultural art education.” (4) “Students’ art and aesthetic learning abilities can be cultivated better by building the superior library environment, and promoting the library’s aesthetic quality of the environmental spaces and classic atmosphere of humanistic reading and researching in the library.” Finally, The main suggestions are as followed: (1) Multi-subject museums can be built to construct the atmosphere of arts and humanities and aesthetic learning. (2) The academic resources of arts and humanities can be provided to form the atmosphere of arts and humanities and aesthetic learning in the community. (3) National Taiwan Normal University can be made an aesthetic learning university town and a paragon of art education nationwide.



美感學習, 大學城, 臺灣師範大學, Aesthetic Learning, University Town, National Taiwan Normal

