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臺灣北部地區之南管館閣多位於大同區、新莊區、萬華區一帶,早期鄰近淡水港口,或者為當時貨物、商品運往內陸必經道路,因而成為貨物集散、商業發展興盛之地,便有當地仕紳、富商等人士為了在地居民之信仰,興建宮廟。也因此這些宮廟大坐落於商業繁華地段,這些宮廟變成為傳統音樂活動、發展之場地。此外,因商業發展興盛,地方富商、仕紳也為傳統音樂提供了充足經費來源,使傳統音樂得以良好發展,和鳴南樂社便在此一社會環境下而成立。 現今,和鳴南樂社創已二十年,其創社人陳梅因父親及臺灣當時傳統音樂盛行之環境影響下,自年幼時期便有接觸南管音樂之經驗。後來,更拜師於聚賢堂館主林紅門下,林紅亦鼓勵陳梅學習南管音樂,並且,也打破了早期南管音樂只有男性曲腳之傳統,使陳梅成為了當時臺灣北部地區第一位女性南管唱曲藝師。接著,陳梅便於家族所建立的宮廟之下,成立了和鳴南樂社,並積極招收南管人才,聘請江謨堅、吳素霞等著名南管藝師指導館員學習南管演奏、演唱技巧。而和鳴南樂社之館員們自小亦便有接觸南管音樂之經驗,因而亦帶動和鳴南樂社之成立。 陳梅早期拜師於聚賢堂館主林紅門下,聚賢堂原為北部地區成立較早的館閣,除陳梅之外,許多著名南館著名藝師均亦出自其門下,例如蔡添木、潘榮枝、潘潤梅等。但自1980年代以後,隨著社會環境改變,科技發展日新月異以及價值觀、教育體系的變化下,南管文化圈趨於式微。並且,許多南管著名藝人之凋零,亦是南管館閣逐漸沒落之因,例如清絃閣(約於1978年解散)、永春館、廈門同鄉會(由張再興主持,約2013年解散)等,而聚賢堂亦是其中之一。因此,聚賢堂解散之後,林新南將聚賢堂所遺留之文物交與陳梅保存、傳承,故聚賢堂亦為本文討論對象。 本文以和鳴南樂社為主要研究對象,討論和鳴南樂社之沿革、現今活動情況以及南管儀式性活動,並論述其創社人陳梅學習南管音樂之經歷。並論述和鳴南樂社與聚賢堂之關係,並觀察臺灣早期南管館閣分布情況與周邊環境之影響以及活動情形。 關鍵字:南管、和鳴南樂社、法主公廟、陳梅
In northern Taiwan, most Nankuan Conservatory are located in Datong, Xinzhuang, and Wanhua districts. Due to proximity to the ports along Dansui River or to the major roads through which goods and commodities were transported, these districts became a center for business development and goods distribution. Local gentry and wealthy businessmen would build temples to support the religious belief of local people. As seen in present days, most temples were built at bustling areas in these districts. These temples had also become a venue for developing and performing traditional musical activities. Because of business prosperity, local wealthy businessmen and gentry provided sufficient funds to support development of traditional music. He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory was a musical group established in such social environment. So far, He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory has been in existence for 20 years. May Chen, the founder of the conservatory, influenced by her father and the popularity of traditional music at that time, was exposed to Nankuan music at a young age. Later, she became a disciple of Hung Lin, the head of Ju-Xian-Tang. Lin encouraged Chen to learn Nankuan music and also broke the tradition of Nankuan music that the singer must be male. As a result, Chen became the first female vocalist of Nankuan music in northern Taiwan. Subsequently, Chen organized He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory at a family-built temple and invited well-known Nankuan musicians, including Mo-Jian Chiang and Su-Xia Wu, to teach Nankuan performing and singing skills among ensemble members. As most members were exposed to Nankuan music at a young age, they also contributed to smooth establishment of the ensemble. In early years, May Chen was a disciple of the head of Ju-Xian-Tang, Hung Lin. Ju-Xian-Tang is a Nankuan Conservatory established relatively earlier in northern Taiwan. In addition to May Chen, many famous Nankuan musicians were once a disciple of Hung Lin. These musicians include Tian-Mu Tsai, Zong-Zhi Pan, and Run-Mei Pan. After 1980s, with the advancement of technology and the change of the social environment, social values, and the education system, Nankuan’s culture circle gradually shrank. The passing away of many famous Nankuan musicians was also a factor causing the decline of many Nankuan Conservatories, including Qing-Xian-Ge (disbanded in 1978), Yong-Chun-Guan, Xiamen Fellow Association (chaired by Zai-Xing Chang and disbanded in 2013), and also Ju-Xian-Tang. After Ju-Xian-Tang was disbanded, Xin-Nan Lin handed over the historical relics of Ju-Xian-Tang to May Chen for preservation. Thus, Ju-Xian-Tang is also a subject of this study. The main subject of this study is He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory. In addition to history, activities in present days, and ceremonial activities of Nankuan, this study also discusses the Nankuan learning experience of its founder, May Chen. Moreover, this study discusses the association between He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory and Ju-Xian-Tang and then probes into the distribution of Nankuan conservatories during the early years of Taiwan, environmental influences on these conservatories, and activities of these conservatories. Keywords:Nankuan、He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory、Fajugung Temple、Chen, May



南管, 和鳴南樂社, 法主公廟, 陳梅, Nankuan, He-Ming Nankuan Conservatory, Fajugung Temple, Chen, May





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