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  博物館屬非營利機構,營利的商店存在其中雖有些突兀,卻是博物館服務的一環,並逐漸發展成博物館自籌經費的利器,是以博物館商店能開拓財源,幫助博物館本身達到非營利單位的重大使命。國立故宮博物院商店因過往某些因素,一度遭社會誤解為只是中飽私囊的工具,導致發展受限,甚至影響行政院版博物館法草案中有關商店條文遭刪除。   有鑑於上述觀察,本研究嘗試藉由世界知名博物館─法國羅浮宮博物館、英國大英博物館、美國大都會博物館為案例研究對象,瞭解其商店經營態樣的特質,試圖整理出最適合國立故宮博物院商店的經營態樣,並對照我國目前法律,比較國營公司、財團法人、行政法人三種態樣對於博物館商店經營的得失,進而給予建議,希望能作為國立故宮博物院商店法制化時參考。
Museums are generally nonprofit organizations. This makes the profitable shops operating by the museums somehow incongruous but also necessary for the operations of the museums. The profitable museum shops gradually developed into self-financing tools of museums. It is a major mission for museum shops to open up financial resources and help museums themselves to be non-profit organizations. Due to certain factors in the past, the shops of the National Palace Museum were once misunderstood by the society as a tool to feather their own nest, which led to limited development and even caused the deletion of relevant store provisions in the draft of the Museum Act. In view of the above observations, this study attempts to be a case study by the world-famous museums, the Louvre Museum in France, the British Museum in the United Kingdom, and the Metropolitan Museum of the United States. According to the cases supra, this study tries to understand the characteristics of the types of oper-ations and to sort out the best operating type that is most suitable for the shops of the National Palace Museum. Furthermore, compares the gains and losses of the State-Owned Enterprises, the Foundations and the Non-Departmental Public Bodies to the museum shops operation according to the current laws of ROC, and then make suggestions which can be used as a reference for the legalization of shops of the Na-tional Palace Museum.



博物館商店, 經營態樣, 國營公司, 財團法人, 行政法人, 國立故宮博物院, Museum Shops, Types of Operations, the State-Owned Enterprises, the Foundations, the Non-Departmental Public Bodies, the National Palace Museum

