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In near years, as the trend of 5G and artificial intelligence, “Subscribe” become a new payment format in diverse industry. No matter software, retail, sport, streaming, or E- commerce business all started to promote customers becoming their “member”. In order to test the differentiation between the payments of the membership charging, the preference of payment on streaming websites becomes the main question in the research. Pay by years and pay by months, as the most common membership payment in Taiwan, are defined as two extremes to represent integrate loss and segregate loss. Kahneman and Tversky (2003) had proposed the value function, confirm that with a defined reference point, people are generally showing the value in a concave way for gains and commonly convex for losses. The theory was extended to Thaler’s Mental Accounting Theory, which claims that people are usually segregate gains and integrate losses. Regarding intertemporal substitution and product awareness differences in the payment preference question, we took a discount rate and product familiarity included as moderating variables. The variables are expected to explain the inconsistency between mental accounting theory’s integrating preference in loss and the questionnaire results. Monthly payment preference is proved as a preferred choice in research’s phenomenon. Though product familiarity can not show any significant result, this study gives the evidence that discount rate can somehow explain payment decision making preference. This results imply the exist of other potential influencers in payment preference. Based on results, it can reasonable doubt that when extending loss and gain rules to a consuming choice, risk becomes a more priority factor in decision making process. In other words, under this phenomenon, the integrate loss preference in Mental Accounting Theory can not inference yearly payment preference in transactions.
In near years, as the trend of 5G and artificial intelligence, “Subscribe” become a new payment format in diverse industry. No matter software, retail, sport, streaming, or E- commerce business all started to promote customers becoming their “member”. In order to test the differentiation between the payments of the membership charging, the preference of payment on streaming websites becomes the main question in the research. Pay by years and pay by months, as the most common membership payment in Taiwan, are defined as two extremes to represent integrate loss and segregate loss. Kahneman and Tversky (2003) had proposed the value function, confirm that with a defined reference point, people are generally showing the value in a concave way for gains and commonly convex for losses. The theory was extended to Thaler’s Mental Accounting Theory, which claims that people are usually segregate gains and integrate losses. Regarding intertemporal substitution and product awareness differences in the payment preference question, we took a discount rate and product familiarity included as moderating variables. The variables are expected to explain the inconsistency between mental accounting theory’s integrating preference in loss and the questionnaire results. Monthly payment preference is proved as a preferred choice in research’s phenomenon. Though product familiarity can not show any significant result, this study gives the evidence that discount rate can somehow explain payment decision making preference. This results imply the exist of other potential influencers in payment preference. Based on results, it can reasonable doubt that when extending loss and gain rules to a consuming choice, risk becomes a more priority factor in decision making process. In other words, under this phenomenon, the integrate loss preference in Mental Accounting Theory can not inference yearly payment preference in transactions.
none, Mental accounting, product familiarity, streaming website, integrate loss preference, discount rate