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在本研究當中,藉以衡量消費者評價變化的產品我們稱之為目標物;會影響消費者對目標物的評價但與目標物無關的因素我們稱為促發物,當人們在評量目標物時,容易受到先前發生的促發物影響而產生「同化效果」或是「對比效果」,進而改變其對於目標物的評價或態度。在過去有許多研究都致力於解釋因為不同的促發物影響所產生的促發效果將會形成同化效果抑或是對比效果,而本研究不同於以往多數的研究,只有針對目標產品與單一個促發物的比較來進行研究,我們考量到在實務上,往往促發物並非在同一時間內只出現一個,而是以多重樣貌共同出現在人們的生活中,因此我們將單一促發物拓展為雙重促發物,並且考慮到現今廠商使用的行銷手法越趨一致的因素,我們擬將根據雙重正價促發物對目標產品的影響(許舒婷, 2015) 及解釋範圍重疊模型 (Chien et al., 2010)進行延伸, 並假設目標物與促發之間會互相影響 (Hsiao, 2002),探討在雙重正價促發物的情況下,促發物之間是否會相互影響,並且共同對目標物產生何種影響,以更貼近實務的運用。
The main purpose of this study is to find out when people make decisions, how other factors unrelated to the nature of the target product affect them, and then change their assessment of the target product. And explore how they will be changes in the case of different factors. In addition, in order to increase the contribution of our study, we also discuss how the company can use comparative marketing to find the optimum position, and enhance brand perception or evaluation to consumer. In our research, the one we use to measure the changes in consumer evaluation of products is target, and the one can affect the consumer evaluation of the object, but unrelated to the object is context. When people assess target, they will affected by context, and the assimilation effect or contrast effect will happen, so they will change their attitude towards evaluation or target. There are many research articles in the past dedicated to explain how different context will affect assimilation effect or contrast effect happen. The present study considers the context will not appear just one at the same time in the real life, and the manufacturers use marketing tactics increasingly consistent ,we extend The Context Effect of Dual Positive Primes (Hsu, 2015) and Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chien, Wegner, Hsiao,& Petty, 2010) and assume that target and context will affect each other (Hsiao, 2002),discuss in the situation of dual positive primes, Whether the context will affect each other, and what impact they will bring to the target.
The main purpose of this study is to find out when people make decisions, how other factors unrelated to the nature of the target product affect them, and then change their assessment of the target product. And explore how they will be changes in the case of different factors. In addition, in order to increase the contribution of our study, we also discuss how the company can use comparative marketing to find the optimum position, and enhance brand perception or evaluation to consumer. In our research, the one we use to measure the changes in consumer evaluation of products is target, and the one can affect the consumer evaluation of the object, but unrelated to the object is context. When people assess target, they will affected by context, and the assimilation effect or contrast effect will happen, so they will change their attitude towards evaluation or target. There are many research articles in the past dedicated to explain how different context will affect assimilation effect or contrast effect happen. The present study considers the context will not appear just one at the same time in the real life, and the manufacturers use marketing tactics increasingly consistent ,we extend The Context Effect of Dual Positive Primes (Hsu, 2015) and Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chien, Wegner, Hsiao,& Petty, 2010) and assume that target and context will affect each other (Hsiao, 2002),discuss in the situation of dual positive primes, Whether the context will affect each other, and what impact they will bring to the target.
雙重促發物, 推敲可能性模型, 促發效果, 對比效果, 同化效果, 解釋範圍重疊模型, 相互假設, Dual Primes, ELM Model, Priming Effect, The Dimensional Range Overlap Model, Reciprocity Hypothesis, Contrast Effect, Assimilation Effect