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消費者行為一直以來都是很多學者探討的議題,特別是針對消費者對產品或品牌的態度會受到不同外在的因素影響。在眾多相關理論和模型中,Petty and Cacioppo提出的推敲可能性模型最為廣泛應用,指出代言人對於低涉入消費者,是一個很有效的線索去影響消費者對產品的態度。再加上來源可信度模型等等的研究,顯示可信度與專業知識在測試代言人效果方面均很重要。普遍來說,當代言人與其代言產品屬性越相似,代言人的影響力便能夠發揮。反之,關於代言人代言非專業領域產品在消費者高涉入情況的研究並不多。因此本研究主要探討與代言產品相關性低的代言人表現是否會影響消費者對該代言產品的態度。再以代言人的專業能力,產品種類和代言人的熟悉度為干擾變數測試對上述主效果之影響。
Consumer behavior has been discussed by many scholars for a long time, especially when the consumers' attitudes towards products or brands are easily affected by different external factors. Among those theories and models related to consumer behavior, the ELM proposed by Petty and Cacioppo is the most widely used. It points out that the endorser is a very effective cue for low-involved consumers to change their product attitude. Coupled with research like source credibility models, credibility and expertise are proved to be the essential elements in testing the effectiveness of endorsers. Generally, when the endorser and the endorsed product share similar attributes, the endorsement effect exists. In contrast, there is not much research in the situation where the endorser is irrelevant to the endorsed product under high involvement. Therefore, this study investigates whether the performance of an endorser with low relevance to the endorsed product will affect consumers' attitudes towards that product. And using the endorser's professionalism, product category and endorser's familiarity as the moderators to test the moderating effect on the above-mentioned main effect.



推敲可能性模型, 代言人效果, 消費者涉入度, 個人與產品屬性, 來源可信度, 信任轉移理論, 態度轉變, Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsement effect, involvement, personal and product attribute, source credibility, trust transfer theory, attitude change

