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「庇護之所」即為「給予我們庇護的所在」之意,語意強化了「家」的意涵與功能性。本研究的主題意義是對於「家」的議題創作進行意涵上、圖像上的探討,也藉由研究的過程對於個人的創作進行反省與紀錄。 「家的意象」包含的意義廣泛,涵蓋了「記憶」、「家庭」、「家園」與「世界」等子題,這也是不同族群對於自身家園的「世界觀」,它反映了各個不同族群對於其身處世界的「情感」與「面向」。本論文從「家」的文本進行「家的意涵」的定義與整理,再對於美術史中相關於「家」的主題繪畫(家庭肖像、家屋、家園風景)予以整理分析,然後才以個人的相關主題創作相對照,這是以繪畫的實踐進行對歷代畫家的致敬與個人創作內涵的探索。 個人以「家」為創作探索的主題,來源於筆者對「家園」的觀察與關心,從家人、村落到土地,皆成為創作的議題與題材。在形式與媒材的表現上,因應創作議題與內涵的轉變,從「古典繪畫」的象徵與隱喻表現手法出發,歷經對於「自身的家園風景」的單純描寫,再轉化為「想像式」的家園風景。從細膩到粗放,從室內到室外,筆者嘗試運用各種表現傳達「家的意象」的各種層面。
「The sheltered space」 means a place that can provide protection for us and emphasizes the meaning and function of home. The main theme of this study is investigating the meaning and image of artistic creations with a topic of 「Home」. Besides、the self-examination and recording of my artistic creations were proceeded in the studying process. 「The sheltered space」 has generalized meaning、including memories、family、homelands、and the world. It implies the world views and emotions of different races. In this research、the meaning of home was defined and categorized according to related texts. Moreover、the paintings related to home (the portrait of a family、houses and the landscape of homelands) in art history were analyzed and then contrasted with my creations、which is saluting to the past artists and discovering the connotation of my creations by practical painting. 「Home」 was adopted as the main topic of my creations. It originated from my observation and consideration of the homeland. Therefore、family members、villages、and the land are all the themes of my creations. Because the theme and connotation of creations has been changing、the performing method changed from the implication of classical painting、the scenic depiction of our homeland、to the imaginary landscape of our hometown. I try to express various features of the homeland image by different ways、which ranges from fineness to roughness、from indoor views to outdoor ones.



庇護之所, 家的意象, 記憶, 家庭, 家園, 世界, the sheltered space, the image of homeland, memory, family, homeland, world





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