衡量消費者在產品評價所產生態度上轉變的因素: 正負向價促發物產生之週邊效果

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透過過去許多實驗及研究證明,消費者在進行購買決策時,常常會因為對產品的涉入程度低所以容易受到與產品本身無直接相關訊息所影響,而非對產品直接的了解,進而影響對產品的評價及態度上的轉變。本研究延伸Chien, Wegner, Hsiao, and Petty(2010)所提出的「解釋範圍重疊模型」,說明若是當消費者對目標物評價的解釋範圍與促發物的範圍有重疊時,會產生同化效果(Assimilation Effects);反之,沒有重疊時,則會產生對比效果(Contrast Effects)。 及利用Hsiao(2002)所提出的相互假設理論(Reciprocity Hypothesis),說明產生促發效果不只是存在目標物與促發物之間;促發物與促發物之間也會相互影響。 提出與以往不同的假說,本研究除了利用「範圍」的概念來說明消費者在評價產品時產生的態度,更同時探討,在雙重促發物(正向與負向促發物)同時產生時,消費者對產品的態度及評價是會如何移動。 本實驗採用組內設計,共分成四組,共四個階段,每個階段間隔14天。與過去研究最大的不同是利用-廣告,來瞭解受測者對於目標物評價的轉變。利用重疊的範圍當作操弄檢測及最適代表值間的距離和促發物、目標物在實驗前與後的移動當作驗證假設,發現實驗一與實驗二是成立,實驗三與實驗四則部份成立。透過前測的分析及主實驗後的訪談,可以推測造成部分不顯著的原因是因為受到廣告所影響很大,廣告的內容及品質不同影響受測者對目標物評價是很大的。但因為每個人對與廣告的判斷是很主觀的,因此將來要思考如何有效利用廣告的編排來更準確判斷受測者對於目標物及促發物的態度及評價。
There have had substantial experiences and researches prove that customers are easy to change their evaluation and attitude because of the low involvement in the product and irrelevant information. The present study is based on Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chin,Wegner,Hsiao,&Petty,2010) to have a further discussion. The model shows that when there has overlap between Target and Prime, the Assimilation Effects will happen. However, when overlap are exist, Contrast Effects will happen. The study also makes further discussion on the Reciprocity Hypothesis (Hsiao, 2002). The study shows that the context effect is not only occurred between Target and prime, it may also happen between primes. In this study, we not only use the concept of the Range, but when two primes happened in the meantime to discuss the change of evaluation and attitude. In this study, we use in-group design as our research method. There are four groups in four experiments. And we separate four intervals between each part, spending two weeks. The most different between the past studies is that we take Advertisement as our priming to check out the change of the evaluation and attitude. Using the range of the overlap as a manipulation check and the distance between two representatives as provement check. We can find out that experiment one and two are significant, and experiment three and four are partial significant. Throughing the pre-test analysis and the interview with participants, we can find that advertisement plays an important role in the experiments. The different contents and qualities cause different result because of the subjective judgement. Therefore, we have to discuss how to make good use of ads effectively to judge customer's evaluation and attitude.



解釋範圍重疊模型, 雙重促發物, 同化效果, 對比效果, 相互假設理論, 廣告, Dimensional Range Overlap Model, Multi-Priming, Assimilation Effects, Contrast Effects, Reciprocity Hypothesis, Advertisement





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