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在測試迴歸模型前,我們將六個總經因素進行主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis),以避免自由度的損失。因此,我們將通貨膨漲率,生產者價格指數和重貼現率作為主成分1,將存款準備金率,外匯儲備和美元兌換人民幣匯率作為主成分2。
This study apply China funds for the research object to discuss the responses of fund managers to the macroeconomic factors. This study selected characteristics of fund managers, macroeconomic factors and systematic risk changes of funds as variables for the regression analysis. Before we test the regression analysis, we divided six of the macroeconomic factors into two principal components to avoid the loss of degrees of freedom. Therefore, we classify inflation rate, producer price index and re-discount rate as principal component one and deposit reserve rate, foreign exchange reserve and U.S dollar against RMB exchange as principal component two. The conclusions of the regression results are corresponding to the entire hypothesis. When macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, female fund managers are not willing to take more risk compared to male fund managers. In addition, when macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, fund managers with postgraduate degrees are tend to take less risk compared to fund managers with undergraduate degrees. In the sub sample, we have tested systematic risk changes of equity funds only, when macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, we found that fund managers who graduate in domestic are willing to take more risk compare to fund managers who graduate in abroad.
This study apply China funds for the research object to discuss the responses of fund managers to the macroeconomic factors. This study selected characteristics of fund managers, macroeconomic factors and systematic risk changes of funds as variables for the regression analysis. Before we test the regression analysis, we divided six of the macroeconomic factors into two principal components to avoid the loss of degrees of freedom. Therefore, we classify inflation rate, producer price index and re-discount rate as principal component one and deposit reserve rate, foreign exchange reserve and U.S dollar against RMB exchange as principal component two. The conclusions of the regression results are corresponding to the entire hypothesis. When macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, female fund managers are not willing to take more risk compared to male fund managers. In addition, when macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, fund managers with postgraduate degrees are tend to take less risk compared to fund managers with undergraduate degrees. In the sub sample, we have tested systematic risk changes of equity funds only, when macroeconomic factors are in unfavorable situation, we found that fund managers who graduate in domestic are willing to take more risk compare to fund managers who graduate in abroad.
系統性風險的改變, 基金, 基金經理人的特徵, 宏觀經濟因素, 主成分分析, 多元回歸分析, Systematic risk of changes, funds, characteristics of fund manager, macroeconomic factors, principal components analysis, multiple regression analysis