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學校是教育與學習的場所,校園環境均有其教育的隱喻,會影響學生的思想、人格、學習、態度和價值觀,所以校園公共藝術不應只是美化校園的藝術品或是閒置空間的裝飾物,更應在互動與教育方面有更深層的意涵;在校園環境中融入公共藝術,期待公共藝術能將藝術帶入學生生活當中,產生生活藝術化、藝術生活化的成效。尤其在沒有藝術專業科系的大學校園內,公共藝術的設置過程及結果,是否能提供學生在接觸或欣賞這些作品時,產生美感體驗,進而產生對其美感教育的影響,是本文主要探討的內容。 本研究旨在探討大學校園內所設置之公共藝術對學生美感教育之影響,特別針對未設有藝術專業科系之大學,因此採用個案研究法進行研究,選擇素以理工科系著稱之國立中央大學為調查研究對象,同時運用「文獻分析法」、「問卷調查法」及「深度訪談法」進行校園公共藝術的環境美感及使用者觀感做調查。分析整理出中央大學校園公共藝術給予學生們的印象及所產生的觀感為何,以及參考專家們對本個案之校園公共藝術之評論與想法。 綜合學生及專家之結論,藉以了解國立中央大學之校園公共藝術是否達到美化空間、影響學生美感教育之目的,進而探討如何在未設有藝術專業科系的大學校園內,運用校園公共藝術,使非藝術科系學生也能受其美感教育之影響;並希望藉此提供同樣未設有藝術專業科系之大學未來在設置公共藝術時相關之規劃與建議。
University is a location for education and learning where there is some educational purpose to influence students’ thought, personality, study, attitude and value in its environment. Therefore, public art on campus should have deeper interactional and educational meaning rather than serving as a decorative artwork or decoration in the empty space. By integrating public art into university environment, public art is expected to bring art into students’ lives and achieve the goal of bring art into daily life and bringing art alive. This study aims to determine if the set up processes and results of public art in universities without art departments are capable of producing an aesthetic experience and further influencing student aesthetic education when students contact or appreciate these artworks. This study aims to determine the influence on student aesthetic education by setting up public art on university campuses, especially those without art departments. Case study method is adopted with National Central University, well-know for its departments of science and engineering, as the study target to evaluate the environmental aesthetics of public art on campus, user perspective, the impression and reaction toward the public art from students and the comments from experts. With students’ and experts’ input, we tried to determine if public art in National Central University successfully decorated the environment and influenced student aesthetic education, which may serve as reference for other public art set-up plans in other universities without art departments.



校園公共藝術, 公共藝術, 美感教育, 美感, public art on campus, public art, aesthetic education, aesthetic





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