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消費者的需求隨著時代與大環境的變化漸漸產生改變,從過去的農業經濟、工業經濟、服務經濟,進入到下一個階段是重視體驗經濟的時代,同時科技快速的進步以及普遍使用於大家的生活之中,在加上受從2019年年底開始爆發漸漸席捲全世界的COVID-19影響,全球消費者的需求以及行為也走向不同的趨勢。根據Business of Apps所提供的統計資料顯示,在健康與運動類別的應用程式下載使用量急速成長,各家運動品牌也推出了自家的運動APP,讓使用者能夠隨時隨地運動鍛鍊,並增加使用者的運動動機。因此本研究的目的是希望了解運動品牌APP提供給使用者的體驗價值與自我決定理論中心理需求這兩個面向,是否能延伸至其品牌,並提高使用者對品牌的品牌依附。根據研究結果顯示,情感價值對自主感會產生正向影響;認知價值與行動價值對勝任感會產生正向影響;情感價值與社交價值對連結感會產生正向影響,且自主感、勝任感以及連結感對品牌依附有正向影響。
The needs of consumers have gradually changed with the changes of the times and the general environment. From the past agricultural economy, industrial economy, and service economy, the next stage is the era of emphasizing the experience economy. At the same time, the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread use of everyone In addition to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak that has gradually swept the world since the end of 2019, the needs and behaviors of global consumers are also moving towards different trends. According to statistics provided by Business of Apps, the number of downloads and usage of health and sports apps has grown rapidly. Various sports brands have also launched their own sports apps, allowing users to exercise anytime, anywhere, and increasing the number of users exercise motivation.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand whether the experience value provided by sports brand APP to users and the psychological needs in self-determination theory can be extended to its brand and improve users' brand attachment to the brand. According to the research results, emotional value has a positive impact on autonomy; cognitive value and action value have a positive impact on competence; emotional value and social value have a positive impact on connection, and autonomy, competence And the sense of connection has a positive impact on brand attachment.



運動品牌 APP, 體驗價值, 自我決定理論, 品牌依附, sports brand APP, experience value, self-determination theory, brand attachment

