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本論文以全國師生鄉土歌謠比賽決賽曲目為例,透過文獻分析、田野調查與樂譜分析的方式,探討原住民語系91-103學年度的決賽曲目,目的在了解原住民音樂的特色、原住民歌舞樂與生活之聯結,並探討原住民音樂藉鄉土歌謠比賽而傳承與保存,透過學校教育歌謠的傳習,將原住民的歌舞結合傳統與創新呈現在舞台上,卻又不失其原住民各族獨特的音樂文化。 本論文共分為五個章節論述,第一章為緒論,包括研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍與限制,並回顧相關文獻;第二章為歷年全國師生鄉土歌謠比賽概況,敘述歷年比賽情形和比賽內容,並從參賽人數統計表中得知參賽隊伍有逐年增多的趨勢;第三章為指定曲之曲目分析,將91-101學年度指定曲之族別和歌詞內容進行分類,並將指定曲作樂曲型態分析;第四章為自選曲之音樂分析,將102和103學年度比賽得特優的學校所選用之自選曲,依曲目之族別進行分類,將比賽各隊伍的呈現方式將之整理分為歌謠與舞蹈和器樂伴奏兩方面加以論述,並將各隊伍所選用之自選曲整理為曲目分析表,進行演唱方式、合唱類型及歌詞內容之探討;第五章為結論,綜合研究結果及歸納分析,並提出未來相關研究之可能方向與建議。
The purpose of this study is to gain further knowledge of the characteristics of indigenous music, the connections between indigenous songs and indigenous people’s daily life. It also investigated how indigenous music got passed down and preserved though literature, conducted with score analysis and field survey of final repertoire in National Competition of Taiwanese Indigenous Folk Songs, academic year 2002-2014. This Thesis can be divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the motivations, purposes, methods, research areas, and restrictions of this study. The second chapter is an overview of the National Competition of Folk Songs, stating the competition details and history. The third chapter is the analysis of assigned songs in the competition, covering the repertoire from academic year 2002 to 2014. The forth chapter is the analysis of elective songs in the competition, classifying the pieces by different clans and discussing them in the terms of folk songs and dances, and instrumental accompaniment. The last chapter is the conclusion, declaring the research results, possible research areas in the future, and suggestions.



鄉土歌謠, 原住民音樂, 自選曲, 指定曲, Folk Song, Indigenous Music, the Assigned Songs, the Elective Songs

